Month: October 2021

Wikijump Updates – 10/17 – 10/23

It’s been another week, and here’s another weekly update. We’ve had 230 commits in 29 merged pull requests across 200 files, for a total of 6,036 line additions and 2,406 deletions. More work has gone into our new frontend, along with incremental improvement to our PHP codebase in anticipation. This week, we got several big steps in our frontend, such as getting login and registration views, support for toasts, and infrastructure for gestures on touchscreen platforms. As this is the point where we’re gluing things together, we’ve needed re-evaluate and fix up parts of our stack, which has been challenging…

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Wikijump Updates – 10/9-10/16

This last week has been productive. We’ve seen some steady progress on the PHP backend, and massive strides in our move towards a new frontend. In the last week we’ve pushed 298 commits across 380 files, for a total of 5,802 additions and 5,849 deletions in 29 different merged pull requests. On the PHP end, things have been incremental but not groundshaking. In addition to some refactoring and legacy code pruning, the diff functionality was updated to be more readable. Compare: Instead of Wikidot’s unusual word-based difference view, the original lines added/removed are shown. Additionally, it uses the context information…

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Wikijump Updates – 10/1-10/8

It’s been another busy week over here in Wikijump! We’ve merged 18 pull requests from 4 people, and added 217 commits over 1,171 files. Most of the work we’ve seen has fallen into one of two categories, Docker and PHP. So let’s start with our build process: We use Docker to build Wikijump. Local deployments use docker-compose to stand up all the component containers (currently php-fpm, nginx, postgres, memcached) and permit it to run locally. Several big changes were made to our build process, primarily a refactored php-fpm Docker build to be significantly sped up by taking better advantage of…

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