Release Stage 0 is complete!

As you may remember, recently we announced the new project plan (more detailed reading) for Wikijump development, dividing the work into a series of stages. Each one would be governed by an overall state that the project should be at at each stage, which allows us to focus on producing an MVP (minimum viable product) more effectively.

This blog post is commemorating the fact that Release Stage 0 is complete! As you can see, all the items in the epic are finished, and I thought I’d take the time to reflect on what has been achieved so far.

As noted in the announcement post, Stage 0 was pretty small. The primary goal was to start off on an even foundation: we had some areas which were really well-developed and others which were pretty spare, and by implementing some of these basic missing components we can continue development in a more evenly-balanced way.

In the upcoming year we will be starting on Release Stage 1, which furthers this goal by getting all the basic platform operations, infrastructure, and UIs implemented. Some specific items planned include page locks, user creation and restrictions, and the wjfiles user data hosting site! After this stage, with all the fundamentals set up, it should be easier for various contributors to add new features and fixes.

Overall, I’ve been excited with the changes we’ve been able to make recently and hope for many more in 2025!

Author: aismallard

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